Thank you for joining us in Eau Claire!
If you would like to be on the conference planning committee for next year, email Julia at jwohlt@uppermidwestymcas.org.
Please take our conference
survey at THIS LINK.
Coming soon - Eau Claire YMCA photos
- Keynote, 5 Gears: Pam Liebe, pam@pamliebe.com, Website, 5 Gears final slide
- How Can Artificial Intelligence Benefit Your Organization: Justin Sydnor, justin.sydnor@wisc.edu, YMCA AI Advisor information
- Adopting an Active Lifestyle: Jennifer Bolger, jennifer.bolger@matrixfitness.com
- High-Octane Brain: Michelle Braun, drmichellebraun@gmail.com, Website, Slide Deck
- Locker Room Planning & Design: Brian Hatzung, brian.hatzung@zastudios.com
- Becoming the Leader Your Team Deserves: Josh Copeland, josh@joshcopelandspeaks.com, Website
- Keynote: Tune into your Cues: Kristin Bock, kristin@bodylanguageblueprints.com, Website
- How Can Artificial Intelligence Benefit Your Organization: Justin Sydnor, justin.sydnor@wisc.edu, YMCA AI Advisor information
- High-Octane Brain: Michelle Braun, drmichellebraun@gmail.com, Website, Slide deck
- The Importance of Putting Yourself First: Josh Copeland, josh@joshcopelandspeaks.com, Website
- Accelerating Revenue & Improving Retention: Nancy Gregson, nancy.gregson@ymcamn.org
- Leveling Up Relationships: Kimera Way, waykk@uwec.edu