Dan Newhouse & Mark Hennessy Leadership Awards
Our goal is to recognize retired YMCA CEOs in our Regional Alliance who have provided leadership to their respective YMCA community, the YMCA’s throughout the Alliance, and some CEO’s who have shared their expertise nationally. Each winter all 50 of the corporate YMCA’s will have an opportunity to nominate a retired YMCA CEO, living or deceased. Those CEOs will then vote on all nominated names in early spring. Annually at the YMCA Spring Executive Conference in Wisconsin Dells, the recipients will be presented with their award. With several qualified retired CEO’s eligible for this recognition, we are sure that recognizing a minimum amount each year will ensure that this award goes on for a long time. The Alliance will email all CEOs the nomination information prior to the spring leadership conference.
Dan Newhouse Recipients (WI/U.P. MI)
2016: Dan Newhouse
2017: Fred Hauser, Pat O'Brien
2018: Tom Jackson, Jack Murray
2019: Anne Derber, Steve Harty
2020: Tom Blaze, Reid Stangel
2021: Jeff Collen, Tom Beerntsen
2022: Gary Nash, John Schaaf
2023: Bill Breider, Dennis Lipp
Mark Hennessy Recipients (MN)
2022: Mark Hennessy, Dennis Dieser
2023: Andy Johnson, Betsy McBride